Gender-Affirming Care
In a report of more than 90,000 people
who answered the US Transgender Survey released in February of 2024, Only 3% report being less satisfied than before they started their transition. For those who have received gender affirming care, less than 1% report being a little or a lot less satisfied.
Mayo Clinic Researchers found that most children develop an understanding of their own gender by age three
Gender-affirming medical care provided to transgender youth looks dramatically different than the intentionally falsified image anti-trans trolls are painting:
For transgender children medically transitioning below the age of adolescence, doctors generally only prescribe a hormone blocker in order to inhibit the onset of puberty.
Sex hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, may be prescribed as a child reaches adolescence— with the required informed consent of their legal guardian.
Delaying medical transition can cause immense social and emotional harm to transgender youth
We know this harm is easily avoidable by allowing youth to access gender-affirming medical care, which trans youth around the globe have been safely doing for years without issue or incident.
Gender-affirming surgeries are rarely approved for people under the age of eighteen.
Most bodily changes caused by GAHT (gender-affirming hormone therapy) as prescribed to trans youth are partially if not fully reversible.
“The American Psychological Association opposes state bans on gender-affirming care, which are contrary to the principles of evidence-based healthcare, human rights, and social justice.”
American Psychological Association, representing 157,000 members, February 2024.
Additional Resources
3. Young people are being harmed: the effect of anti-trans legislation. Center for Public Integrity.
4. Podcast: The Anti-Trans Hate Machine: A Plot Against Equality
5. National Emergency Facing the Transgender Community in the United States. Human Rights Commission.
6. Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes Hit Staggering Record High. FBI’s Annual Crime Report
8. Gender Identity 5 Years After Social Transition - American Academy of Pediatrics