About Us

“Gender is not what people look like to other people; it is what we know ourselves to be. No one else should be able to tell you who you are; that’s for you to decide.”

-Alok Vaid-Menon


Empathy, growth,

equity, justice,

curiosity, compassion,

joy, authenticity.


We are so glad you are here. We are a group of Alaskan parents residing on the traditional homelands of the Dena’ina people, brought together by our passion to affirm, protect, and support our trans and gender-nonconforming loved ones.

We understand how terrifying it feels watching misinformation about trans kids and their families spread like wildfire. We also know firsthand how enraging it feels to watch the rights of trans kids and their families be stripped away by lawmakers and elected officials.

In response, we created this site to consolidate information and resources to help you feel empowered to show up and speak out for trans and gender non-conforming youth.

We invite you to join us as we remind our Alaskan neighbors and lawmakers that the mountains are for everyone and transphobia has no home in our state.


